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Meet the Team: Heike Fraser

Heike Fraser - Meet the Team

At Barnsley Hospice, we have an amazing team of staff and volunteers who work hard to ensure we provide the highest levels of care and support for our patients and those close to them. Here, Heike Fraser, Specialist Palliative Care Physiotherapist, shares more about her role at the hospice.

Hello, my name is Heike Fraser…

What is your role at Barnsley Hospice?

I am a Specialist Palliative Care Physiotherapist, and a Moving and Handling People Facilitator.

When did you start working at the hospice, and why did you decide to join the team?

I joined Barnsley Hospice in 2009 and initially started working in our former Lymphoedema Service. At the time, this was the only service of its kind in Barnsley and was based right here in the hospice. Now, I work as a Physiotherapist on the Inpatient Unit and in Outpatient clinics.

Throughout my career as a Physiotherapist, I’ve worked in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centres, private clinics and private practices, but I had never worked in a hospice before.

What attracted me to Barnsley Hospice was the multidisciplinary team and holistic approach to treating patients and supporting their families. I had never experienced this before in other clinical settings, and it was very much in line with my own values.

What does an average day look like?

I see patients every day. This can be either on our Inpatient Unit or holding outpatient appointments. 

When I first meet a patient, I conduct a holistic assessment where we discuss how they feel, any symptoms they are currently having and work to establish their goals. Then, it’s my job to support patients in achieving them and offer them emotional support when needed. These goals may be to maintain or improve their independence, encourage self-management or enable a sense of self-control. Interventions are offered on a one-to-one basis or in group settings within The Orangery, the Support and Wellbeing service.

Some people may require a bespoke and tailored exercise programme to improve or maintain muscle strength and mobility. Others may also benefit from non-pharmacological symptom control for pain relief in the form of acupuncture, soft tissue or myofascial release techniques. Additionally, I can support with breathlessness, fatigue and lymphoedema management.

To support patients, their carers and other healthcare professionals in safe moving and handling, I offer support advice and equipment as necessary. I also provide Moving and Handling training for clinical staff on a regular basis.

What is your favourite part of working at the hospice?

I love my job – that’s it!

I enjoy that every day is different, the variety the patient work gives me and the challenges that come with it. For one person, I may need to apply my specialist knowledge in Lymphoedema management. For the next patient, it may be finding the right management techniques to address their pain. Whilst another could be about their independence, mobility and how to stay safe. I always aim to work with people to achieve their goals and the best quality of life possible. It allows me to use and apply all the different techniques I’ve learned over the years.

I love the fact that I am part of a wider, multi-disciplinary team and the shared knowledge, experience and learning from other colleagues that comes with it.

What inspires you at work?

Working closely with patients and colleagues alike, embracing challenges and finding the best possible solutions for all those involved.

The day-to-day learning from patients and their challenges, and getting together with colleagues to work on projects are both rewarding and inspiring for me.

You can find out more about the care and support we provide on the Our Services section of our website. Stay tuned for our next Meet the Team!