In this section
- About us
- About us
- Our Values
- How we are funded
- Meet the team
- Statement of Purpose
- Recruitment
- Contact us
- We want to hear from you!
- Our History
We always welcome feedback from patients, families and service users to help us review, maintain and improve our high standards of care at the hospice.
Share your experience to help others
Sharing your experience of our services can often help others better understand what to expect when they come to the hospice. If you would like to share your experience of care and support at the hospice please email or call our Governance and Quality team on 01226 244 244 EXT. 268. See our Patient Stories page for previous insights into how patients and families have experienced our care and support.
If you’ve had a great experience at the hospice, we would love to hear about it. This feedback is much appreciated and helps us to ensure we are providing the best possible care and support for those using our service. Let us know your feedback by emailing us at or call 01226 244 244 EXT. 268. Alternatively, you can share your feedback with the CQC on their website.
Make a suggestion
We welcome any comments or suggestions about how to improve our care and support, as we aim to constantly review and improve the services we provide and how we provide them. You may be routinely asked if there is anything you think we can improve upon during your time with us or given a short questionnaire to complete to gain your feedback. If you have further comments or suggestions email us at or call 01226 244 244 EXT. 268.
Many concerns can be resolved informally and quickly by speaking to a member of staff, so please do tell us if you have a concern about something. For example, you can ask to speak to the Quality Matron or Nurse-In-Charge on our Inpatient Unit if you have any concerns regarding the care provided to a patient.
If you cannot or do not wish to do this, you can ask to speak to our Governance and Quality Officer who will assist you in resolving your concern. You can call 01226 244244 EXT. 268 or email
We aim to provide the highest standards of care and support, and we hope there will be little cause for complaint, but if you do have a concern or complaint about your treatment at the hospice, please discuss it with a relevant member of staff first. If your issue cannot be resolved, you can then address your written complaint directly to our CEO/Chief Nurse at Barnsley Hospice, Church Street, Gawber, Barnsley, S75 2RL or email via Any formal written complaint will be acknowledged within two working days with a full response within 20 working days. All complaints will be handled with the utmost respect and sensitivity.
If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint you can write the Chair of our Board of Trustees within 28 days of the response at
Chair of Board of Trustees
Barnsley Hospice
104-106 Church Street
S75 2RL
Or by emailing
Your email should be marked clearly for the attention of the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
If you remain dissatisfied with the response from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, you can contact the Charity Commission, on
0300 066 9197. They are the independent regulator of Charities in England. Whilst the hospice is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), they cannot investigate individual complaints.
However, they are still interested to hear from you if you have experienced or received poor care.
Support to make your complaint
If you need help making a complaint, a local service called Cloverleaf Advocacy will provide you with free and impartial advice and guidance.
Tel: 01924 454875
Or you can contact Healthwatch Barnsley as follows:
Tel: 01226 320106
Interpreter services, including British Sign Language (online) are available for people whose first language is not English and those who need additional communication support.