
Photo of a children's football team wearing red shirts. The group are standing in two rows in a football goal post.

Bubble Rush completes successful season for fundraising footballers

3 June 2019
Photo of a group of fun runners setting off. Some of them are wearing bright pink and bright green tutus.

‘It’s important that we give something back’

31 May 2019
Photo of Barnsley Hospice volunteer Jean seated at a desk

New volunteer appeal for hospice events team

29 May 2019
Photo off a group of people standing in front of a rally car.

Barnsley teams rally to Benidorm for hospice

24 May 2019
Photo of a young boy wearing an orange Barnsley Hospice t-shirt. He is standing at the summit of Ingleborough which is a stone built cairn marker

Barnsley schoolboy completes Three Peaks challenge for hospice

23 May 2019
Photo of Barnsley Hospice staff seated at desks and reading documents as part of a training event

Looking back at our Dying Matters awareness event

22 May 2019

Appeal for donations at hospice furniture shop

2 May 2019
Photo of staff from Barnsley Hospice and with members of the Round Table. The group are standing around a treatment bed which has a lymphoedema garment system upon it.

Hospice lymphoedema service boosted by Round Table donation

29 April 2019
Photo of a lady sat on an exercise bike, with a man standing next to her.

Barnsley family to pedal for patients alongside Tour de Yorkshire

24 April 2019
Photo of a young boy wearing a Barnsley Hospice orange coloured t-shirt and a medal on a ribbon around his neck.

Swim school makes a splash for hospice

17 April 2019
Image of a notebook

Lymphoedema: Putting it into words

13 March 2019
Photo of Ann who is a patient at Barnsley Hospice. Ann is seated in a chair and her arm has a cover on it.

“It’s really very precious time here”

8 March 2019
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