In memory donations

Remember a loved one with a donation in their memory

We appreciate all donations to the hospice in memory of loved ones. Our supporters often make donations in someone’s memory to celebrate their life and give thanks for the end-of-life care they’ve received here at the hospice. 

You can make a personal donation in a loved one’s memory or you can donate the proceeds of a collection, perhaps taken in lieu of flowers at a funeral, by using our donation form at the end of this page. You will always receive a letter of thanks acknowledging your much-appreciated gift. 

If you would like to speak to someone about making a donation to the hospice please contact our team by emailing or calling 01226 244244. 

Barnsley Hospice Memory Wall

This year, we are proud to unveil our Barnsley Hospice Memory Wall. This is an online, interactive site for supporters to share treasured memories in celebration of someone special and make a donation to support the specialist care Barnsley Hospice provides to local families. 

The wall can be added to all year round, to mark special dates such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, birthday or anniversaries.

Add your dedication

Hospice Village

You can also remember your loved one through our Hospice Village. This bright and beautiful artwork in our reception area features little handmade houses, each dedicated to the memory of someone’s loved one. We ask for between £180 and £250 to dedicate a cottage to your loved one in our unique hospice village.

Find out more

Light Up a Life

Celebrating and remembering loved ones is at the heart of Light Up a Life. Each Christmas, we invite you to make a donation and dedicate a light in memory of someone special. Every donation makes a huge difference to the care we provide, helping us to support hundreds of local people every year. Your dedication will be recorded in an online Book of Remembrance available to view at our services and on our website.

View our Book of Remembrance

In Memory Donation

Step 1

Please enter an amount

Step 2

Claim GiftAid on your donation

Gift Aid
By ticking this box, you confirm that you are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less By ticking this box, you confirm that you are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, it is your responsibility to pay the difference.
If you would like to receive a Gift Aid receipt, please email our Fundraising Team at or call 01226 244 244.

Step 3

Please enter your details

(please note, you will not receive an electronic confirmation of your donation if you leave this field blank)
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